I saw a UFO! 

UFO Blog Mark Regan Filmmaker Mandurah.jpg

In my situation of working a day job, being a father and a filmmaker, I tend to do my exercise at night.  After getting the kids off to bed and cleaning the kitchen, then it is my time to exercise and go for a walk with my two fluffy Labradors. 

I’ve walked in the blistering heat of summer and the freezing cold stormy nights of winter.   

I’ll never forget the night that I walked the dogs and as we came around a bend where the ocean is, I noticed a small white light out to sea.  As the light disappeared off into the distance, I was quite confused about it. 

I’m no aviation expert but I couldn’t hear any noise of a plane or helicopter and it just seemed like this thing was moving fast in the night sky.  

Was it a meteor flashing across the sky or was it like a reflection of a silver boat in the ocean? 

I watched it go off into the distance bloody fast when then it suddenly stopped and basically turned 180 degrees towards me. It seemed to be a little bit slow and then it really got fast like it was hunting me.  

I freaked out and started walking fast with the dogs, constantly peering over my shoulder. I thought whatever this thing is, it is coming to get me! 

I kept looking over my shoulder and my walking turned into a jog and then a run.  This light was coming straight towards us. Zooming across the ocean and travelling at something like 999 kilometers an hour. 

Every time I looked over my shoulder it was getting closer. When it was about to be right on top of us, it just stopped. I looked at this small white dot.  It ascended into the darkness of the night sky and vanished. I took a deep breath and headed home as quick as I could.  

Now just to be clear I was not drunk; I was not on any medications.  

I knew at the time the American military was at a naval base near where we live so my mind did conclude that maybe there was some sort of military operation or training regime between the Australian Navy and the American Navy?  That seemed like a plausible cause. 

But maybe, just maybe it was an alien spacecraft. 

Probably not, probably just a drone in the sky being controlled by some pimple faced teenage kid trying to freak out a guy walking his dogs.  

But maybe it was a UFO! 

Alien Blog Mark Regan Filmmaker Mandurah.jpg

I have no idea what that light was that night and I’m not sure if anyone could tell me. But what I did learn from that night was my imagination is awesome. 

I think your imagination is something you really need to foster. You need to encourage your imagination to think about things. You need to push the boundaries, think outside the box and look at the world in a different way.  

I think our imaginations, as humans, is one of the most amazing things that we have at our disposal.  

Walk through the forest in the middle of the night and my imagination will come up with chainsaw wielding psychopaths or little fairies sprinkling dust on magic castles.  

I love that about my imagination! I love that it takes me to those other places. And that’s what I really dig about viewing other people's work. Art can also take us away to other worlds. Stories and films can reveal something totally different to us - it reminds me how powerful our imaginations are.  

Little children have full blown imaginations and fully use them. Unfortunately, as adults we tend to stop our imaginations.  

Stuff that, use your imagination! Use it to come up with solutions to your problems. Use it to create stories. Use it to romance your lover. Use it, otherwise you probably will lose it. 

I’m grateful I had that night where I almost saw an alien. 

At the end of the day, all I saw was a light in the sky and maybe that’s all it was.  

Use your imagination now in the most creative way to make your life a little more magical.  And hey, you may even see a UFO just like me.  



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